My Community M2H

We would love to have you Join Us

Join Made 2 Homeschool today and experience the encouragement, resources, and community you've been searching for on your homeschool journey!

There are HUNDREDS of resources in M2H!
Here are few that I have added to the community.

Reducing Screens in the Summer
Holiday Homeschooling Tips for Kids with Special Needs
How to Use Audio Resources in Your Homeschool
Fun Ways to Review
When Younger Siblings Pass Their Older Siblings
Balancing Therapy and Homeschool
4 Tips For Helping Your Child With Anxiety
Easing Transitions in Your Homeschool

And MORE… 

Balanced Perspectives with Wendy & Katie – Navigating Sickness with Grace 
Helping Your Dyslexic Learner Workshop
Balanced Perspectives with Wendy & Katie- Beating the Winter Blues.
The Highly Distracted Homeschool Student Workshop
Balancing Working & Homeschool
Special Needs & Struggling Learners
Helping Your Forgetful Learner
Homeschooling on the Bad Days
Growing Up Homeschooled
Homeschooling with Preschoolers
Back to School Preparation: Setting Up for Success
Tackling Technology: Smart Strategies for Home and School

And MORE… 

Whole Body Listening
Visual Schedules for Your Homeschool
What Would You Do? Situational Cards for Kids
How To Create Independent Learners
Large Visual Schedule
Truth Cards for Kids Going Through A Hard Time
Calm Down Or Break Time Pack
Winter Wordplay-Homophones, Homographs, & Homonyms
Phonemic Awareness Cards
Adventures with Question Words
Truth Cards for Kids “Truths About Me”
Calendar Skills Packet

Community Service Packet

And MORE… 

"As a single income family, I wasn’t sure if a Made2Homeschool subscription was in the budget so I joined the free trial. During my free trial I downloaded as much as I could, thinking the benefit would just be the downloadable resources. I was wrong. I have found tremendous value in the community circles and the lives/hangouts. The M2H families have not only helped me to homeschool my kids, but they have given me support through raising a child with learning differences, and most recently the loss of my mother. This isn’t just a subscription service for resources, it’s a group offering encouragement, friendship, and support. You never have to feel alone."
- Samantha W.
Homeschool Mom & M2H Memeber

Options For Every Budget