Welcome to Life in the Mundane!

Hi there! I’m Katie, a dedicated wife and homeschool mom to six amazing kids aged 15 to 6. Amid the chaos at home, I’ve realized that the most meaningful moments often come in the most mundane times. Join me as I offer resources and encouragement for your homeschooling journey and biblical parenting, helping you cherish those little moments. While I don’t have all the answers, I’m eager to share what has worked for us in homeschooling, home management, parenting, and more.

Disclosure and Privacy Policy

From time to time, I partner with companies to highlight their products. This might involve free products, affiliate payments, or monetary compensation in exchange for my honest reviews. Posts involving potential revenue are clearly marked as “contain affiliate links.” Some of these companies may use cookies to tailor ads for you.

Integrity and Honesty in Partnerships

I take my partnerships seriously and am committed to integrity. I only share products I would buy myself and that I believe could benefit you. I routinely decline offers that don’t meet my standards or wouldn’t serve you well. If a product doesn’t meet my expectations, I either share my honest feedback or choose not to feature it at all. Please remember that results can vary, and I recommend products based on my experience, trusting that the companies involved have excellent customer service to handle any of your concerns.

Your Privacy

Your privacy is vitally important to me. Below is how your personal information is collected and used when you visit Life in the Mundane:

  • Personal Information Collected: We collect information you provide directly, such as your email address when you download free printables, or your name and other details you might leave in comments. We advise against sharing sensitive personal information in comments for your safety.

  • Use of Your Information: This information is used to enhance your experience on our site and is never sold or shared with third parties.

  • Comments: I reserve the right to remove any comments that are inappropriate, threatening, profane, or spammy without notice

Changes to This Policy

This privacy policy is subject to change. Any changes will be indicated by an updated revision date at the bottom of this page.

Contact Me

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or anything else on Life in the Mundane, please feel free to reach out at lifeinthemundane@gmail.com.

Effective Date: May 13 2024