About Us

Hey guys I am so happy to have you here. My name is Katie and I am a wife of 12 years, a mother of 6 kids, a second generation homeschooler, and of course a youtuber.
I have a passion for helping moms as they try to make the most of the little moments in life. When I first started having kids I found myself struggling with being discontent in my family’s current age and stage. I wished for the magical age of ___ (whatever) and it wasn’t until much later in the parenting process that I realized that I was wasting away the precious little moments with my kids waiting and wishing for a new phase of life or wishing for myself to be someone other then who God created me to be.
I am so grateful that God in His infinite mercy gave me the wake up call of a lifetime and helped me to see that these mundane moments are the MOST important ones that we as parents are going to get.
My desire with this page is that you might be able to get some encouragement as a fellow mom in the trenches, that you can learn some new tips of “what to do” or “what not to do” from our family’s experience, and that ultimately you would walk away blessed and refreshed as a parent so that you can give your best to your family. I pray that you will see that God made no mistakes when he gave you the gifts that he did and when he gave you the kids you have (or are going to have).
About My Husband
This is Mark my high school sweetheart. We met during our senior year and got married at the age of 19. He is my rock and I am so happy to be married to a man who loves God and who has a strong desire to lead his family through serving them.
Is he perfect? NO WAY! News flash NEITHER AM I. Only by God's grace have we weathered some very hard times in our marriage and while this page is not really about marriage and our relationship you have to know a bit about us as a couple to truly understand the family.
So here are a few fun facts about Mark:
-He is the hardest worker I know
-He loves his kids so much and pours into their life with a determination that you do not see often these days
-He LOVES board games and enjoys making new ones in his spare time
-He will pop on here from time to time to share his thoughts on homeschooling and parenting

Our Beautiful Kiddos
Our kiddos all have BIG personalities which adds a level of fun and challenge in raising them. Our kiddos are pretty close in age as they were all about 12-13 months apart. That means we have an 11, 10, 9, and 8 year old in the first set and then a 3 and a 2 year old in the second set. Life is crazy here (as you can see) but I would not change it for anything.
A Few More Fun Facts
We have a huge range of personality types, strengths, and weaknesses, but that is what makes our family special. My kids love playing outside, they love board games (they get that from dad), and they love being together. But lest you think they are all perfect, let me assure you we have our struggles. I have two kids with special needs and we have really been through a lot over the years. My kids fight with each other, they don’t always love school, and they don’t always do their chores with a happy heart, just like most kids. My favorite part of being their mom is getting to see God mold and change their little hearts and I am thankful that the results are not up to me but up to Him.