What Are These?
I am always looking for ways to help my kids grow in their walk with the Lord. This year I want to focus more on prayer and helping them break out of the rut of the same prayers day in and day out.
So I created these cards to help them grow in this area. You may be familiar with the acronym ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, & Supplication) and that is what I based these cards on. It is NOT meant to be a formula for prayer but rather a way to grow in what we pray for.
My hope with this resource is that it will only be needed for a small time and that after regular use my kids will start going “off book” and adding their own things.
How To Put It Together
One Idea
- Print on copy paper or card stock and laminate if you want more durability.
- Cute the cards apart & hole punch the corner
- Place them on a ring so your kids can keep them together.
Second Idea
- Print and use as a poster in your home or add it to your morning menus.
Tips For Use
- Take one card a day and read each of the items on that card and discuss what they mean. This will help your kids grow in their understanding and will help them know what items might be the best to pray for at that time.
- Model how to use this with your kids. I would recommend starting with praying for one item from each card to start out with.
- Look up verses about the different items so your children can learn what scripture has to say about it.
- If your child will be using it on their own encourage them to find a time that works for them. Picking one regular time to prayer helps to make sure it does not become forgotten. This could be right before bed, or when they first wake up, it could be when they read their bible for the day, or each time they get in the car.
- As your child gets use to the cards brainstorm additional things they could add to each of the categories.