May Bible Reading Plan

Why Join The Challenge?  One of the best things we can do as moms and homeschool teachers is prioritizing spending time in God’s word. Digging into His word is how we learn more about who God is and who He created us to be. In 2021  I have had the privilege of digging into God’s word with friends and have found that doing the readings with others helps me to stay accountable so I would love for you to join us in this bible reading journey.

What We Are Reading In May

In May we are going to be digging into the book of Proverbs.

Why Proverbs? The book of Proverbs is full of such wisdom. One of the reasons that I picked this book for the month of May is that I was thinking of Mothers day coming up and how the book of proverbs is all about sharing wisdom and instruction the same way we as mothers do for our kids. I hope you will enjoy chewing on these great passages that are full of such wisdom and I would encourage you to share these nuggets of wisdom with your children this month as well.

Why Did  You NOT Include Catch Up Days?

So as you may have noticed unlike other months I did not include catch up days this month. What I want to encourage you to do this month is to just stick with reading the chapter number that correlates to the day of the month. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs and 31 days in May so if you get behind just pick up with the chapter for that day (for example Ch. 24 for May 24) I hope you enjoy reading along too and I would love to see your thoughts on what you are reading down in the comments below or on instagram.

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